Our publications are freely accessible. They are divided in several categories:
- "ERIF Policy Notes" report on current ERIF thinking on given topics and provide readers with detailed background information.
- "ERIF Communications” are addressed to individual institutions, and often comment on specific initiatives or proposals.
- "ERIF Highlights Notes” provide a brief commentary on a specific, contemporary issues, whereas “ERIF Monographs and Studies” provide a lengthier analysis of long-term issues of concern to the ERIF.
ERIF members also receive regular internal “ERIF Insights Notes”, which concisely address current topical issues.
The views and opinions expressed in ERIF publications are the authors’ responsibility only and do not necessarily reflect or state those of the ERIF, its members or advisors. The latter participate in their personal capacity, and their contributions to ERIF activities do not necessarily represent the views of the organisations or sectors in which they are active.
ERIF Policy Note 36 Addressing Negative Regulatory Outcomes through Better Regulation - Considerations from ERIF
ERIF Highlights Note 26 Competitiveness, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 25 Innovation, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 24 Allocation of Capital, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 23 Scientific Integrity, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Communication 23 Better Regulation, Prosperity, Transition and Resilience: Ideas for the new Commission
ERIF Policy Note 35 Novel Regulatory Philosophies: Future directions and implications for Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 22 Competitiveness Test and Better Regulation
ERIF Monograph Novel Regulatory Philosophies in the European Union: Directions, Implications and the role of Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 21 Novel Regulatory Philosophies - Future directions and implications for Risk Management
ERIF Highlights Note 20 Likelihood of Harm, Safety and Safe Use
ERIF Highlights Note 19 Innovation, Essentiality and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 18 Allocation of Capital, Better Regulation and delivery of the Green Deal
ERIF Policy Note 34 Consumer Safety, Good Governance and Scientific Excellence
ERIF Monograph Scientific Excellence in Consumer Safety - Insights for the EU Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 17 Scientific Excellence in Consumer Safety - Background Note
ERIF Communication 22 OECD-Public Consultation on the Draft OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation
ERIF Communication 21 European Commission Communication on Better Regulation 2021
ERIF Highlights Note 16 "Essentiality", Better Regulation and Management of Risk from Technologies
ERIF Communication 20 Principles and Guidelines for Scientific Integrity in Regulatory Studies
ERIF Highlights Note 15 "Time - To - Market", Innovation and Better Regulation
ERIF Monograph Risk Management and Scientific Assessments - Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Managing Bias for Scientific Excellence and Impartiality
ERF Highlights Note 14 Proportionate Management of Harms - Risk Management Option Analysis
ERF Highlights Note 13 The European Green Deal and Better Regulation
ERF Highlights Note 12 Proportionality Principle and the Management of Risk
ERF Highlights Note 11 Cost Effectiveness Analysis and Risk Management Decision-Making
ERF Monograph Risk Management and the EU's Administrative State: Implementing Law through Science, Regulation and Guidance
ERF Policy Note 33 The EU's Administrative State: Nature, Scale and Implications of Implementing Risk Management Law through Science, Regulation and Guidance
ERIF Highlights Note 10 Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Managing Bias for Scientific Excellence and Impartiality
ERF Communication 19 Strengthening the EU's Better Regulation Strategy: Ideas from the European Risk Forum
ERF Policy Note 32 Scientific Integrity, Public Policy and Better Regulation Event: Insights from Participants and the European Risk Forum
ERF Communication 18 European Parliament Public Consultation on General Rules For an open, independent and efficient European Administration
ERF Highlights Note 9 Management of Risk and the EU’s Administrative State
ERF Op-ed (published on EurActiv) Restoring Trust and Effectiveness in EU Scientific Advice
ERF Communication 17 OECD Public Consultation on Best Practice Principles on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy
ERF Monograph Scientific Evidence and the Management of Risk
ERF Article (published by Science|Business) Leveraging the best available science for a stronger EU
ERF Highlights Note 8 Defensive R&D and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 7 Risk Regulation and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 6 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – Improving Risk Management, Governance and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 5 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – Meeting the Challenge of ‘Better Regulation’
ERF Article The Innovation Principle (published by E-Sharp Magazine)
ERF Highlights Note 4 Access to ‘Excellent’ Science – Recognizing the Problems
ERF Highlights Note 3 Precaution and Risk Management – Modern Issues
ERF Highlights Note 2 Hazard-Based Regulation – Acknowledging the Problems
ERF Highlights Note 1 The European Commission’s 2015 Better Regulation Strategy – A ERF Commentary
ERF Article Paving the Way to an Improved, Modern Management of Risk: The New European Commission’s Better Regulation Strategy (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 4/2015)
ERF Study European Risk Forum Monograph – Fostering Innovation: Better Management of Risk
ERF Study The Importance of Regulatory Design for Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness
ERF Communication 16 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Impact Assessment
ERF Communication 15 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Stakeholder Consultation
ERF Article Better Risk Regulation Governance for a Stronger Europe: The institutionalisation of the EU Chief Scientific Advises Office (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 3/2014)
ERF Policy Note 31 Managing Potential Harms, Protecting Citizens, Facilitating Prosperity-Hazard or Risk?
ERF Policy Note 30 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – The Rationale
ERF Policy Note 29 Drawing lessons from cross-sectoral and international experiences with regulatory convergence to advance the TTIP Agenda
ERF Policy Note 28 The European Commission Chief Scientific Adviser – Building for the Future
ERF Policy Note 27 The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Regulatory Convergence – A Common Scientific Space
ERF Article A ‘win-win-win’ Scenario – Reaping the Benefits of an EU Law on Administrative Procedure (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 1/2014)
ERF Communication 14 Stimulating Innovation and Protecting Citizens Through Better Management of Harms – Thoughts for the new Commission
ERF Communication 13 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Evaluation
ERF Policy Note 26 Benefits of an EU Law on Administrative Procedure
ERF Policy Note 25 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Regulatory Convergence – ERF Thoughts
ERF Policy Note 24 Regulatory Co-operation – Ideas for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
ERF Communication 12 Innovation Principle: Stimulating Economic Recovery
ERF Communication 11 Law on Administrative Procedure: Comments on the Draft Model Rules on Administrative Law-making Drawn Up by the Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL)
ERF Communication 10 Law on Administrative Procedure: Observations on the European Commission’s response to the European Parliament Resolution
ERF Policy Note 23 Innovation and the Regulation of Risk
ERF Policy Note 22 Science and Decision-making – Balancing Excellence and Independence
ERF Article Smarting Up Risk Management: The Needed Step (published on RegBlog.org)
ERF Communication 09 The European Union Science and Technology Council – Letter to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
ERF Article The EU Needs a Better Way to Cope with Risk (published by Euractiv)
ERF Action Plan The ERF Action Plan for Improved Risk Management in the EU
ERF Communication 08 Stakeholder Consultation on Smart Regulation in the EU – European Commission Consultation
ERF Policy Note 21 An EU-Level Administrative Procedures Act and the Management of Risk
ERF Communication 07 Improvement of Risk Assessment in View of the Needs of Risk Managers – European Commission Consultation
ERF Communication 06 Role of the Chief Scientific Adviser in Science and Decision-Making – Smart Regulation
ERF Article The European Parliament and Risk Governance (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 2/2012)
ERF Study The Precautionary Principle – Application and Way Forward
ERF Communication 05 Draft OECD Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance
ERF Policy Note 20 Ex Post Evaluation and the Management of Risk: Thoughts from the Risk Forum
ERF Policy Note 19 European Court of Auditors – Audit of Impact Assessments in the EU Institutions
ERF Policy Note 18 Understanding Benefits – Assessing the Potential Impact of Risk Management Decisions
ERF Policy Note 17 Cost Effectiveness Analysis and the Management of Risk
ERF Communication 04 Science and Better Regulation – The Role of the Chief Scientific Adviser
ERF Policy Note 16 Ex Post Evaluation of Regulatory Decisions
ERF Policy Note 15 Comitology and the Management of Risk at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 14 Precaution and Regulatory Decision-Making at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 13 Guidelines and the Growth of the Regulatory State at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 12 Comitology and Transparency
ERF Communication 04 Commission Consultation – Draft Commission Impact Assessment Guidelines
ERF Communication 03 Commission Consultation – Revision of European Commission Scientific Committees
ERF Policy Note 11 Consultation at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 10 Judicial Review and Risk Management at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 09 ‘European Court of Justice Decisions and Scientific Advice at EU-level’
ERF Policy Note 08 Agency Guidelines and Regulatory Impact Analysis
ERF Policy Note 07 EU-level Scientific Committees – Enhancing the Utility and Credibility of Future Scientific Advice
ERF Policy Note 06 Maximising the Benefits and Minimising the Risks of New Technologies
ERF Policy Note 05 Technical Regulatory Decision-making at EU-level – Agencies, Guidelines and Comitology
ERF Policy Note 04 RAND Evaluation of the Commission’s Non-Food Scientific Committees
ERF Policy Note 03 Review of the External Evaluation of the Commission’s Impact Assessment System
ERF Policy Note 02 Review of the EU’s Impact Assessment Board
ERF Policy Note 01 Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
ERF Communication 01 to the UK Better Regulation Commission UK Government Review of EU Agencies
ERIF Policy Note 36 Addressing Negative Regulatory Outcomes through Better Regulation - Considerations from ERIF
ERIF Highlights Note 26 Competitiveness, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 25 Innovation, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 24 Allocation of Capital, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 23 Scientific Integrity, Novel Regulatory Philosophies and Better Regulation
ERIF Communication 23 Better Regulation, Prosperity, Transition and Resilience: Ideas for the new Commission
ERIF Policy Note 35 Novel Regulatory Philosophies: Future directions and implications for Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 22 Competitiveness Test and Better Regulation
ERIF Monograph Novel Regulatory Philosophies in the European Union: Directions, Implications and the role of Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 21 Novel Regulatory Philosophies - Future directions and implications for Risk Management
ERIF Highlights Note 20 Likelihood of Harm, Safety and Safe Use
ERIF Highlights Note 19 Innovation, Essentiality and Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 18 Allocation of Capital, Better Regulation and delivery of the Green Deal
ERIF Policy Note 34 Consumer Safety, Good Governance and Scientific Excellence
ERIF Monograph Scientific Excellence in Consumer Safety - Insights for the EU Better Regulation
ERIF Highlights Note 17 Scientific Excellence in Consumer Safety - Background Note
ERIF Communication 22 OECD-Public Consultation on the Draft OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation
ERIF Communication 21 European Commission Communication on Better Regulation 2021
ERIF Highlights Note 16 "Essentiality", Better Regulation and Management of Risk from Technologies
ERIF Communication 20 Principles and Guidelines for Scientific Integrity in Regulatory Studies
ERIF Highlights Note 15 "Time - To - Market", Innovation and Better Regulation
ERIF Monograph Risk Management and Scientific Assessments - Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Managing Bias for Scientific Excellence and Impartiality
ERF Highlights Note 14 Proportionate Management of Harms - Risk Management Option Analysis
ERF Highlights Note 13 The European Green Deal and Better Regulation
ERF Highlights Note 12 Proportionality Principle and the Management of Risk
ERF Highlights Note 11 Cost Effectiveness Analysis and Risk Management Decision-Making
ERF Monograph Risk Management and the EU's Administrative State: Implementing Law through Science, Regulation and Guidance
ERF Policy Note 33 The EU's Administrative State: Nature, Scale and Implications of Implementing Risk Management Law through Science, Regulation and Guidance
ERIF Highlights Note 10 Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Managing Bias for Scientific Excellence and Impartiality
ERF Communication 19 Strengthening the EU's Better Regulation Strategy: Ideas from the European Risk Forum
ERF Policy Note 32 Scientific Integrity, Public Policy and Better Regulation Event: Insights from Participants and the European Risk Forum
ERF Communication 18 European Parliament Public Consultation on General Rules For an open, independent and efficient European Administration
ERF Highlights Note 9 Management of Risk and the EU’s Administrative State
ERF Op-ed (published on EurActiv) Restoring Trust and Effectiveness in EU Scientific Advice
ERF Communication 17 OECD Public Consultation on Best Practice Principles on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy
ERF Monograph Scientific Evidence and the Management of Risk
ERF Article (published by Science|Business) Leveraging the best available science for a stronger EU
ERF Highlights Note 8 Defensive R&D and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 7 Risk Regulation and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 6 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – Improving Risk Management, Governance and Innovation
ERF Highlights Note 5 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – Meeting the Challenge of ‘Better Regulation’
ERF Article The Innovation Principle (published by E-Sharp Magazine)
ERF Highlights Note 4 Access to ‘Excellent’ Science – Recognizing the Problems
ERF Highlights Note 3 Precaution and Risk Management – Modern Issues
ERF Highlights Note 2 Hazard-Based Regulation – Acknowledging the Problems
ERF Highlights Note 1 The European Commission’s 2015 Better Regulation Strategy – A ERF Commentary
ERF Article Paving the Way to an Improved, Modern Management of Risk: The New European Commission’s Better Regulation Strategy (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 4/2015)
ERF Study European Risk Forum Monograph – Fostering Innovation: Better Management of Risk
ERF Study The Importance of Regulatory Design for Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness
ERF Communication 16 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Impact Assessment
ERF Communication 15 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Stakeholder Consultation
ERF Article Better Risk Regulation Governance for a Stronger Europe: The institutionalisation of the EU Chief Scientific Advises Office (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 3/2014)
ERF Policy Note 31 Managing Potential Harms, Protecting Citizens, Facilitating Prosperity-Hazard or Risk?
ERF Policy Note 30 EU Law of Administrative Procedures – The Rationale
ERF Policy Note 29 Drawing lessons from cross-sectoral and international experiences with regulatory convergence to advance the TTIP Agenda
ERF Policy Note 28 The European Commission Chief Scientific Adviser – Building for the Future
ERF Policy Note 27 The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Regulatory Convergence – A Common Scientific Space
ERF Article A ‘win-win-win’ Scenario – Reaping the Benefits of an EU Law on Administrative Procedure (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 1/2014)
ERF Communication 14 Stimulating Innovation and Protecting Citizens Through Better Management of Harms – Thoughts for the new Commission
ERF Communication 13 European Commission Public Consultation on Commission Guidelines for Evaluation
ERF Policy Note 26 Benefits of an EU Law on Administrative Procedure
ERF Policy Note 25 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Regulatory Convergence – ERF Thoughts
ERF Policy Note 24 Regulatory Co-operation – Ideas for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
ERF Communication 12 Innovation Principle: Stimulating Economic Recovery
ERF Communication 11 Law on Administrative Procedure: Comments on the Draft Model Rules on Administrative Law-making Drawn Up by the Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL)
ERF Communication 10 Law on Administrative Procedure: Observations on the European Commission’s response to the European Parliament Resolution
ERF Policy Note 23 Innovation and the Regulation of Risk
ERF Policy Note 22 Science and Decision-making – Balancing Excellence and Independence
ERF Article Smarting Up Risk Management: The Needed Step (published on RegBlog.org)
ERF Communication 09 The European Union Science and Technology Council – Letter to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
ERF Article The EU Needs a Better Way to Cope with Risk (published by Euractiv)
ERF Action Plan The ERF Action Plan for Improved Risk Management in the EU
ERF Communication 08 Stakeholder Consultation on Smart Regulation in the EU – European Commission Consultation
ERF Policy Note 21 An EU-Level Administrative Procedures Act and the Management of Risk
ERF Communication 07 Improvement of Risk Assessment in View of the Needs of Risk Managers – European Commission Consultation
ERF Communication 06 Role of the Chief Scientific Adviser in Science and Decision-Making – Smart Regulation
ERF Article The European Parliament and Risk Governance (published in the European Journal of Risk and Regulation, Issue 2/2012)
ERF Study The Precautionary Principle – Application and Way Forward
ERF Communication 05 Draft OECD Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance
ERF Policy Note 20 Ex Post Evaluation and the Management of Risk: Thoughts from the Risk Forum
ERF Policy Note 19 European Court of Auditors – Audit of Impact Assessments in the EU Institutions
ERF Policy Note 18 Understanding Benefits – Assessing the Potential Impact of Risk Management Decisions
ERF Policy Note 17 Cost Effectiveness Analysis and the Management of Risk
ERF Communication 04 Science and Better Regulation – The Role of the Chief Scientific Adviser
ERF Policy Note 16 Ex Post Evaluation of Regulatory Decisions
ERF Policy Note 15 Comitology and the Management of Risk at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 14 Precaution and Regulatory Decision-Making at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 13 Guidelines and the Growth of the Regulatory State at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 12 Comitology and Transparency
ERF Communication 04 Commission Consultation – Draft Commission Impact Assessment Guidelines
ERF Communication 03 Commission Consultation – Revision of European Commission Scientific Committees
ERF Policy Note 11 Consultation at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 10 Judicial Review and Risk Management at EU-level
ERF Policy Note 09 ‘European Court of Justice Decisions and Scientific Advice at EU-level’
ERF Policy Note 08 Agency Guidelines and Regulatory Impact Analysis
ERF Policy Note 07 EU-level Scientific Committees – Enhancing the Utility and Credibility of Future Scientific Advice
ERF Policy Note 06 Maximising the Benefits and Minimising the Risks of New Technologies
ERF Policy Note 05 Technical Regulatory Decision-making at EU-level – Agencies, Guidelines and Comitology
ERF Policy Note 04 RAND Evaluation of the Commission’s Non-Food Scientific Committees
ERF Policy Note 03 Review of the External Evaluation of the Commission’s Impact Assessment System
ERF Policy Note 02 Review of the EU’s Impact Assessment Board
ERF Policy Note 01 Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
ERF Communication 01 to the UK Better Regulation Commission UK Government Review of EU Agencies